Adjoa Courtney


Years of Participation


Adjoa Courtney, also known as Chef Joya, is a renowned private celebrity chef and the author of five captivating vegan cookbooks. Widely celebrated for her ability to reimagine traditional recipes laden with animal products into exquisite vegan delicacies, Chef Joya's culinary journey began in Milwaukee. Embracing a vegan lifestyle since the age of seven, she drew inspiration from her community's culinary heritage, preserving authentic flavors while championing plant-based cuisine.

Her mission in the realm of plant-based cooking extended beyond innovation. Chef Joya sought to evoke nostalgia, bridging the transition to veganism by recreating familiar flavors. Exploring an array of cultural cuisines—from Soul Food and African to Afro-Caribbean and French—she expanded her repertoire, showcasing veganism's versatility across diverse culinary traditions.

A resident of Charlotte, North Carolina, Chef Joya thrives on vibrant, unique experiences, embracing all things colorful and enchanting, including a fondness for unicorns. Her dedication to promoting vegan cuisine, combined with her authorship of five inspiring vegan cookbooks, has solidified her as a formidable force in the industry, captivating palates one magical, plant-based meal at a time.