Cybille St.Aude-Tate

Years of Participation

2020, 2022

Cybille St.Aude-Tate is a Haitian American chef, children’s book author and cofounder of Honeysuckle Projects. Between her seventeen year career in the restaurant industry & her degree in African American Studies specializing in Caribbean culture & aesthetics in America, she has found a niche in cultivating a relative Caribbean food experience that expands the narrative of her identity and translates the history and expressions of generational Haitian-American culture into decadent recipes. In her most current work with the critically acclaimed Honeysuckle concept, she specifically operates as the Chief Operations Officer of their food justice village in West Philadelphia (Honeysuckle Provisions), which has been envisioned to serve as an evolving network of community spaces centered around the values of nourishment and reclamation while celebrating Black and Afro-centric food traditions and culture.