Oriol Gual

Years of Participation


Oriol was born and raised in the Penedès wine region, right outside of Barcelona (Catalunya). His best memories of childhood are those where he played hide and seek with his siblings and friends among his family’s small vineyards. It was his grand father who taught Oriol all about the vines and wine making and transmitted to him his passion and love for wine.
Since then he believes that a wine or cava is more than just a drink to pair with food. It is a way to express the terroir and philosophy of the people from a land in a glass.

He came to work for Juvé & Camps after studying in Barcelona and London where he got his college degree in Marketing, Business and International Trade. More recently Oriol earned his diploma in Oenology and Viticulture and finished his studies in Champagne where he worked in a small winery. He finds pleasure working each day with importers and distributors, focusing on unique opportunities to share the cavas and wines of Juvé & Camps with consumers.