Monniquer Peacock

Years of Participation


Born and raised in the DC area, Monniquer (Moe) Peacock has served in the hospitality industry for over 8 years as a bartender. Having honed her skills and talents throughout the Washington D.C. area, she strives to make an impact on the world, one drink at a time. Her experiences have led to service opportunities through events such as festivals, weddings and political meetings. Moe is also a cocktail competitor. She placed in the top 3 in Chocolate City’s Best 2020 Cocktail Competition and won the opportunity to represent DC in the Power of the Palate Competition sponsored by Black Restaurant Week and Makers Mark. Currently, Moe bartender for events throughout the city and partners with spirit brands to host virtual tasting events called the Topshelf Peacock experience.
Moe’s philosophy of “Always treat yourself, never cheat yourself”while inspiring & educating diverse groups about the importance of alcohol.