Melissa Katrincic

Years of Participation


In 2013, with fond memories of olives plucked from her grandfather’s dirty martinis, Melissa launched Durham Distillery – a craft gin, vodka and liqueur
distillery located in the heart of the New South, Durham, North Carolina. With her chemist-trained husband, Head Distiller Lee Katrincic, this husband-wife duo
became the first distillers in the South to be inducted into The Gin Guild, USA Today named their distillery the #1 Craft Gin Distillery in the US, CONNIPTION
Navy Strength Gin was recognized as “Best in the US” by the World Gin Awards in 2019 and 2020. In 2019, Constellation Brands’ welcomed Melissa into their “Focus
on Female Founders” program, following their minority investment in the brand. This female-led distillery produces premium gins using a unique two-step process
and a rare rotary evaporator and custom copper still, lovingly named for Melissa’s grandmother, Gertrude.

Melissa’s vision – to combine time-honored gin making traditions with techniques borrowed from modern chemistry – results in spirits that are both classic and
contemporary. Today, Durham Distillery produces award-winning CONNIPTION Navy Strength Gin and CONNIPTION American Dry Gin, DAMN FINE Liqueurs
(Chocolate, Mocha and Coffee), Cold Distilled Cucumber Vodka, and the only premium spirits-based Canned Cocktails produced in North Carolina (Gin & Tonic,
Cucumber Vodka & Soda, and Rose Spritz).

As President and CEO, Melissa is a leader in craft distilling and the American South’s gin revolution, and continues to trail blaze with new products, markets,
and as a speaker for distilling and female entrepreneurship. She served as Vice President of the Distilling Association of North Carolina, has lobbied for the
industry to the U.S. Congress in Washington D.C. and spoke as an invited expert on gin for the American Distilling Institute. She is also a member of Les
Dames Escoffier and Women of the Vine & Spirits and regular contributor to Cary Magazine as an authority on North Carolina spirits.

In Summer 2019, Durham Distillery announced minority investment from Contellation Brands, Inc and introduced their newest canned cocktail – Rosé Gin
Spritz. In 2020, Durham Distillery will bring the gin experience to life with the opening of their new cocktail bar – Corpse Reviver, and introduce their barrel-aged gin.

Follow Melissa Katrincic and her work on Twitter @DurhamDistiller, @ConniptionGin on Facebook at Durham Distillery, and on Instagram
@DurhamDistillery, @ConniptionGin. Or, follow her on Instagram @gin_conniption_mel or on Facebook.