Jenny Broe
Years of Participation
Dancer, instructor and choreographer extraordinaire, Jenny Broe is the owner and Chief Mad Scientist of “Dance Lab”. When she’s not in the lab concocting the next show-stopping performance for Charleston, she is booking gigs for her dancers, spending time exploring her love of yoga and planning her next solo trip abroad. She has worked as a master contemporary, jazz and hip hop instructor at various establishments in the Southeast including Gotta Dance Atlanta, Dancefx, The Larew Center, Charleston School of the Arts and SCAHPERD. Her choreographic works have been featured on multiple occasions at The Piccolo Spoleto Finale, The South Carolina Dance Festival, The Charleston Wine + Food festival, JAIL BREAK, Charleston Fashion Week, the American Heart Association Heart Ball and the CAS Firemen Calendar Debut Party (to name a few). Broe’s passion for and dedication to teaching, cultivating, connecting and inspiring the dance community in the Southeast grows and evolves every day. Determined to push progress for arts in Charleston, Broe continues to provide unique performance outlets for performers of all varieties. Currently, her mission’s main focus is providing the human’s of Charleston with the means of making themselves happy, one movement-and-laughter-filled dance class at a time. What can you expect from a Broe class? Lots of feel-good movement, an awesome playlist, and incredible vibes.