Brandon Montgomery

Years of Participation


Brandon Montgomery is a world traveling, craft beer enthusiast that started his journey while on assignment to Japan in 2011. Since then, he has traveled to over 28 countries and has devoted himself to learning the stories of each pint. Through his engagement, he has realized the significant influence cultures have on the art of craft.

When not traveling or working full time as an engineer, Brandon works part time as a beertender for a local San Diego Taproom and retail space. There he creates an ambiance and introduces customers to beers based on their flavor interests, history and his own adventures. In support of his ability to recommend particular styles and flavor profiles, he has honed his palate and knowledge by becoming a Certified Beer Server and Certified Beer Judge.

In 2018, Brandon focused his personal experiences and desire to see more minorities enjoy craft beer by spearheading Black Beer Travelers; a social media presence that showcases the diversity within craft and challenges people to “Diversify Your Palate”. Through the brand, he has facilitated events across the US and virtually with the goal of introducing new customers to the world of craft, while also highlighting minority ownership globally.

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